Raphael Silva

The beginning

I've always wanted to have a blog. Not one about a specific subject - as I do have one. Just a blog, a place where I could write and post my thoughts online.

I "tried" it once, made only one post, and that was it, no more writing. The excuses were always the same: I don't have time, too tired today, I'll write about it tomorrow, and so on. Turns out I did not manage my time properly to take a moment to write about my perspective of life and how I see it through my eyes or anything else I would like to, as I wanted to in first place. Worst than that, I was not allowing myself to breathe at all. And it started to bug me.

Recently I went to Europe, where I took a moment to reflect about this situation. I realized it's really common in our modern life. We're always busy, always looking for the future and never living the present - when I say we, I mean almost everyone, forgive me about the generalization. We do not allow ourselves to take a moment, to enjoy life at its fullest. We just keep going, keep existing, without really living, without really enjoying life. I'll not go any further on this topic, because I intend to write more about it.

That being said, I decided to change what did bug me, analyzing the way I prioritize what to do, what to learn, hobbies and so on. I started reflecting more on living rather than only existing.

This blog is the start of this change. It's the beginning.